Thursday, January 13, 2005

Pathetically Apathetic

Christians have too much apathy and do not care enough about the world around them. They sit in their warm, comfy churches on Sunday, sing nice songs, and talk about how they should live, and yet do not do much to impact the world with the love that they receive from God. People talk about helping others and about being saved, and yet seem to do nothing to put those words into practice and share that good news with others. They are afraid that, by doing so, they will have to interact with people they do not like and have to leave their comfort zones. We do not seem to see the urgent need to tell others about Jesus and how he came down to earth to become one of us, die for us, and reunite us with God, our Creator.

If you lived in a town located right beneath a volcano and had special insider knowledge that that volcano was going to erupt sometime within the next week, destroying the entire town and its population, what would you do? Would you concentrate only on getting yourself out of harms way, and yet tell nobody else of the impending danger? Would you get together a group of friends who also have the special information about the volcano's coming eruption and talk with them about what is going to happen, and how glad you are that you will not be harmed like the other ignorant members of the town who are going to die from a lack of knowledge? Or would you spread to the rest of the townspeople the news that you have about a wonderful transport out of town that will take anyone who wants to escape the volcano to a lovely tropical paradise? Then, once you told those people and they did not believe you and called you a moron for suggesting any such thing about their beautiful mountain, would you stop trying to convince them? Could you really live knowing that you, in a way, were responsible for their deaths? Or would you do all in your power to get them to go with you to safety, even give up the comforts that you currently enjoy to go out and help them where they are? Would you only tell the nice, well-to-do, well-groomed, rich people, or would you also take the time to visit the slums and spread the good news of the transport out of danger to paradise with the people who are dirty and less than desirable? How much do you really care about other people?

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