Sunday, December 12, 2004

The Loss of Christmas

A disturbing trend has come to my attention of late. It seems as though Chrismas is facing a downhill trend that may continue for many years. One of the only things that may be able to "save" this holiday is the fact that all of the presents that people purchase provide a lot of revenue to stores and other businesses. Christmas is no longer celebrated by the masses as the advent of our savior's birth, but is instead a time of the year to receive lots of "stuff", gather with family, sing songs, play in the snow, and feel the "holiday spirit". But all of this celebrating comes up empty and unfulfilling when it is not backed by the deeper meaning of Jesus.

Materialism is not the only killer of Christmas, though, but also the multiculturalism and preaching of "acceptance" in today's society. Jews, Muslims, Buddists, and other religions that do not recognize Jesus' divinity have their own holidays around this time of the year. It has become taboo to say the phrase "Merry Christmas" for fear of offending someone who may not celebrate it. Instead, the terms "Happy Holidays" and "Season's Greetings" are the politically correct salutations to use. But, this takes the meaning out of the season and is aiding in the decline of the recoginition of Jesus' birth. I, for one, plan to continue celebrating the holiday for what it is and will greet people with "Merry Christmas" every chance I get.

Will Christmas ever come to an end? How long will people continue to celebrate it?


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, people really need to get back to the real meaning of Christmas. Without the birth of Jesus, there would be no Christmas. Jesus' birth is the reason for the season, and Christmas without God is like taking butter away from bread! Christmas isn't just about the presents. Well, it is about one present, Jesus, the very first Christmas present.


By: Corrie

Anonymous said...

i agree with both of you, we have lost the meaning of Christmas. I think one year all the stores should shut down so everyone gets the real meaning of Christmas. seriously if you think about it people spend thousand of dollars on presents every year, for gifts that somepeople might use for a month and then forget about it. If we didntbuy all those presents we could put the money that we were going to spend to a better reason. There are people who are living on the street and have really light clothing. If we could put all the thousand of dollars to them we could get a meaning out of that.

Love debra