Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Happiness Arrives

Good news! The extended edition of The Return of the King arrived in the mail today. Now I have only to wait for the chance to put it into the DVD player and watch it! Yaayyyyy!

1 comment:

Bob said...

Thank you for continuing the rampant consumerism / capitalism that keeps this season oh so great. ;-)

I would ask, however, why you feel the need to complain about the rampant consumerism/materialism at this time of year and fail to mention why your religion (on a whole, not necessarily you and yours) has reduced socially acceptable generosity to a one month deal. (i.e. salvation army buckets and bell ringers are only out between Thanksgiving and x-mas, monetary donations going only towards church led functions and programs not to people and families that truly need this, churches being locked tight as homeless people freeze outside, etc.) Frankly, I find it appalling and totally against what the Christ taught.