Saturday, April 02, 2005

Why Sleeping Beauty Didn't Wake Up

According to this article, scientists have discovered that sleep habits, such as whether a person wakes up early or late, depends on the person's genes. Unfortunately, the "early bird" gene is supposedly the mutant one. Being a morning person myself, I would rather have it be the norm rather than the exception. The word "mutant" sounds like some slimy, disproportionate, evil creature that might come crawling out of the swamp. While it is difficult being different than most people, at times it has its rewards since the mornings when there is nothing going on generally tend to be fresher, quieter, and more relaxing that way. This is a phenomena that late sleepers hardly ever get to experience. As to why Sleeping Beauty didn't wake up: I guess she was more normal than the rest of us in getting her beauty sleep.

1 comment:

muchacho said...

That's interesting.

I think I'm going to take a nap now.