Friday, March 11, 2005

Watch Those P's and Q's (and E's and U's)

Wow! Talk about a major typo! It seems that a website for the United States Congress made a mistake in their reporting. Instead of saying that nuclear testing went on in Sedan (in Nevada), they accidentally reported that the United States performed nuclear tests in Sudan. The Sudanese were not too happy when they read that a foreign government was doing that under their nose. Although they were completely assured by the United States that it was a mere typing error and no testing took place, they are still performing investigations to make sure that nobody starts glowing in luminescent colors or growing multiple limbs in weird places. The Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail said, according to BBC News, that, "Our first concern of course was for the people of Sudan." If only they were that concerned about all their people. By the way, I ran this post through spell check a couple of times before posting it...just in case.

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