Friday, February 18, 2005

A Beautiful Letdown

That is how I would describe today. As I look out the window, I can see birds flying in the air and fighting for birdseed on the ground. The grass is getting back it's green shade, even though the trees and bushes are still just bare twigs swaying in the breeze without any leaves as of yet. There is not a flake of snow left on the ground as a remnant of the winter flurries. Due to a high pressure system that is passing over, there is not a cloud in the clear, light-blue sky. All appearances point to a beautiful, brisk spring day that should have everyone outside working on their gardens and shooting hoops. Unfortunately, that picture is spoiled once one actually goes outside and the brutal reality of the situation hits them squarely in the face with a blast of freezing cold air. Twenty degree weather is not generally conducive to gardening. What a letdown. Nevertheless, the world outside is still quite beautiful to gaze upon.

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