Thursday, February 16, 2006

How Bizarre

The weather has been really strange this winter. First we got lots of snow and freezing cold temperatures before Christmas. Then January came and it seemed that spring had arrived along with it. In the last week or so we have had snow, freezing cold, almost 60 degree temperatures, and now a tornado watch to go along with our thunderstorms. Soon it is supposed to be cold and snowy again. I suppose that is what comes with living where we do.

In other news, I found this quote the other day among some old papers and thought that it was very accurate:
"Everyone is biased. It is just a matter of which bias is the best bias to be biased by." - Bill Jack
It would go well back with my post on the failure of objectivity, but if I did put it back there in the January archives nobody would ever read it. Thus, it gets put here where it obviously does not belong and feels out of place, like I am trying to pound a puzzle piece into the wrong jigsaw puzzle.

Yes, once again I have failed to post anything truly meaningful or inspired. I have been overthinking this blogging stuff again and have paralyzed myself and kept myself from writing about anything. My life has also been falling to pieces around me, so once it finishes its decent and falls back into place my words of wisdom, or unwisdom as the case may be, will become more abundant. Just please be patient with my disjointed and sparse posting.

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