Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Cliched Thanksgiving

Here we go again: turkey, football, and...oh yeah...I guess we should be giving thanks for something, too. However, many times people (myself included), when asked what they are thankful for, just give a bunch of cliches that really mean nothing at all. So...what are you thankful for? Food? Family? Shelter? Friends? Are you really?

It is difficult to be thankful for something you have never had to do without. Here in America we really have everything that we need and much more. Most of us do not have the problem of going hungry and not knowing where our next meal will come from. Most of us have never had to worry about not having a shelter over our heads to protect us from the elements. Most of us do not know what it would be like to be all alone without any family or friends to be there for us. We are very spoiled, and because of that it is hard for us to be thankful for what we have. It is even harder to be content with what we have.

As I believe that honesty is the best policy, be honest, starting with yourself, this holiday season. Are you really thankful? If not, why not? What would make you more thankful? Just a thought.

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