I need to stop racing forward and simply pause and breathe at times like these. At times like these, I need to go back to the foundation of my existence and realize that no matter the choices I make, they don't matter so much so long as God and pleasing him day by day is my focus in life. After all, what else matters in the end? Jobs can be lost, friendships can fall apart, and happiness is fleeting.
Many people say that Ecclesiastes is a depressing book to read. I, rather, find it a very peaceful and reassuring portion of scripture. No matter how hard I work here on this earth and how much I strive to be the best that I can be in my chosen profession, even should I fail at that, this world and all that it is and stands for is but dust in the wind. There is nothing new under the sun and there is a time for everything. I need to make my life matter for eternity, not just for this temporary world, where I and what I do will be forgotten before long. I want to live for the line, not just the dot.
Does that mean I give up on accomplishing anything with my life? No indeed. Does that mean I should not work hard to excel at the things I attempt? No indeed. It does mean, however, that my own praise and my own glory should not be my driving force. Instead, God's praise and God's glory should be all that matters. No matter the choices I make and the steps I take in life, that is what will endure.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for menColossians 3:23